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21Publish - Cooperative Publishing
So gay boys huh? Well i suppose I came to the right place on accident then didn't I? All I was doing was looking for angel drawings for some homework and I found this. How ironic since I finally decided to date my best friend after, oh I don't know, 5 years of denial. Yes, VERY ironic. Well I'm not really out of the closet yet but this works. Now I don't have to come out but I can still talk about it, yay me -insert sarcasm here-. Really this site looks pretty abandoned but whatever. I suppose thats just beneficial for me because that means that I can post whatever I want here without feeling the slightest bit embarassed :) Not that I would anyway, I tend to eb a bit TOO outgoing sometimes, and blunt. But hey, we all have flaws so i suppose I should think myself no different. Oh, and about the Heros of Gotham thing, Batman should just screw the Joker and his little underaged side-kicks and get on with life. Because his whole "I'm sexually frustrated because I can't coem out of the closet so I'm going to tak it out on everyone else" thing is starting to bother me.


we finally took the plunge and decided to create our web presence.

we reckoned it may be the best and most fun way to keep in touch with y'all out there....

so, ok. if you're here you must be a friend- welcome. we hope to hear from you soon....and comments on teh blog will be most appreciated..yes even negative ones- anything as long as it's constructive.....



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